Sport Luxe-Daily Workout

 Sorry for the snowy pictures, but I took them a while ago.
Having that said I can tell you a little about this post. First, I got inspired by one of this season's trend: Sport Luxe and mixed the sequined legging with an Ed Hardy studded hoodie and statement sneakers. 
I don't really workout in this outfit, but I could and everyone at gym would think I am insane, but well, somebody has to be and I take the chance.
Because you asked me about  the music I workout on, here is my Soundtrack! Enjoy!

Imi cer scuze pentru fotografiile din alt anotimp, dar le facusem cand inca era iarna, acum parca vad primavara dupa colt, ea e?
Pentru aceasta tinuta m-am lasat inspirata de unde din tendintele aflate pe poduim in acest sezon: Sport Luxe. Astfel am combinat colanti din paiete, un hanorac cu aplicatii metalice si o pereche de tenisi mai deosebiti.
De obicei nu imi fac antrenamentul imbracata asa, dar as putea...., cu toate ca cei de la sala ar spune ca am innebunit, dar cineva trebuie sa fie nebun si de ce nu chiar eu?
Si pentru ca ati tot intrebat de muzica pe care o ascult cand merg la sala, va las Soundtrackul meu.! Auditie placuta!

Zz Top-Tush
Metallica-I disappear
Papa Roach-Last Resort
Fergie ft.Slash-Beautiful Dangerous
AC/DC- Big Jack
Fall out boy-Beat it
Papa Roach: Not listening


 Hoodie: Ed Hardy
T-shirt: Terranova
Necklace: B.A.D. style
Leggings: C&A
Sneakers: Giuseppe Zanotti
Watch: Michael Kors

 Photos by Veres Krisztian


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