I'm back after a trip gone BAD... really bad. as in vomiting on the way up to the skiing slope. That never happend before in my life, but well, there is always a first. But from now on, I will never be a backseat passanger again... I prefer driving myself anywhere. Besides all that, my cold is still here.... so I am fighting this too. I can't wait for this year to end, these past few days were too much for me....
Now for more interesting stuff, I got a new tutorial for you guys. Simple lace earrings that you can make under 5 minutes. Hope you like it, and I would appreciate your feedback on this.
Am revenit dupa o excursie stresanta sa ii zic asa. Mi-a fost foarte rau , iar sus pe serpentine a trebuit sa oprim sa vomit...ceea ce nu mi s-a mai intampla niciodata in viata, si am mers ceva cu masina in diferite ocazii. Dar de acum inainte nu voi mai merge in spate ca pasager... prefer sa conduc eu ... Pe langa astea sunt tot racita si bag fructe, ceaiuri.... prefer sa nu iau medicamente.
Acum sa vorbim despre chestii mai interesante. Am pregatit un nou tutorial , de data aceasta e vorba de cercei din dantela. Simplu si rapid, sub 5 minute puteti face o pereche superba, chiar si pentru noaptea de revelion, aveti timp. Sunt curioasa daca va place.
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