Wedding invitations are starting to pileup so the shopping list is now imperative.
What to get? Something simple, something that you feel comfortable in and that you could wear for some other occasions too. I love this sequind dress from dressale, and I picked burgundy as I thought it will look more classy in that color. This could be a cool club outfit too.
A long lace and chiffon dress in black could be a good option too especially if you are cold sensible.
As I don't wear earrings, my favorite accessories are rings and bracelets. So these two gorgeous rings caught my eye imediately.
And of course shoes! Because for these dresses I already have shoes that match, I picked two other style, more casual. I don't wear really elegant shoes, not really my style so I would rather have more urban styles that I could use more often.
And the cutout booties are a must have this season. I knew I had to have them!
So what would you put on your wishlist?
Invitatiile la nunti se inmultesc deja ,iar o lista de cumparaturi e deja imperativa. Ce sa iau? Evident, ceva simplu, comfortabil si care poate nu e de purtat o singura data. O rochie simpla din paiete poate fi purtata chiar si in club sau la o petrecere intre prieteni, eu am ales visiniu ca si culoare pentru ca mi se pare mai eleganta.
O rochie lunga din chiffon si dantela poate fi alegere perfecta pentru cineva friguros ca si mine de altfel.
Iar pentru ca nu port cerceii, inelele si bratarile au devenit favoritele mele. Cand am vazut aceste inele, deja mi le-am inchipuit pe mana, sunt finute si usor de purtat.
Trebuia sa ma uit si la pantofi, dar pentru rochitele astea am deja altii mai eleganti si pentru ca nu prea ii port, nu e cazul sa mi investesc in alte perechi la fel. Asa ca am ales 2 variante mai casual pe care stiu ca le pot purta mai des, si sunt stilul meu.
Voi ce aveti pe wishlist pentru primavara asta?
Burgundy sequin dress
Silver ring Gold ring
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