If you are not a shoes addict, I bet you love buying handbags.
You need at least a fancy handbag and a casual one.But then you can't only have a black one and try to match it to every outfit, so buying another one would be inevitable and there you go... once you start you never stop. Leather handbags could be expensive, but they might just last you a lifetime if you take care of them. As for me, I buy all kinds of bags, leather, PU, canvas , it doesn't matter if I like it.
This is my latest bag, a shoulder bag that could fit everything I need if I am running around all day!
What is your addiction?
Romwe has anew Giveaway for you guys!
You can win the cardigan beblow if you follow the simple rules posted in the rafflecopter widget.
Good luck!
1 lucky winner will be picked 5 days later.
Btw, the cardigan will be only $15.99 on 6th March GMT. Save 54%.
Ship in 24 hours.
All cardigans has been prepared in the warehouse, you can get it with $15.99, save $19.99!
Daca nu sunteti dependente de pantofi, cu siguranta iubiti gentile. Aveti nevoie de cel putin doua genti, minim , minim, una casual de toata ziua si un plic ceva mai elegant. Dar nu puteti asorta o geanta neagra chiar la toate tinutele, asa ca de aici incepe nebunia. Una azi, una maine si tot asa pana devine o pasiune. Gentile de piele pot fi scumpe, dar daca sunt de calitate si aveti grija de ele, va pot tine o viata. Eu imi cumpar si genti de piele, de panza sau imitatie, nu conteaza atata timp cat imi plac.
Asta este cea mai recenta piesa de care nu ma mai dezlipesc pentru ca este destul de mare pentru a-mi cara toate nebuniile de care am nevoie ,sau nu , pe parcursul intregii zile.
Romwe a pregatit un nou giveaway pentru voi , iar premiul este cardiganul din imaginea de jos. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa urmariti cu atentie indicatiile de mai jos.
Shorts: Abercrombie
Boots: Mango
Bag: Newt.ro
Photos by Veres Krisztian
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