Moving Away!

I am starting this week by moving out of my old room! Well actualy I hope I can still sleep there, but meanwhile it will be renovated this week. 
So it will be chaos around me, wouldn't be able to find anything because they are all hidden in boxes. 
But by the end of the week I will have a new room. YEY!

Eu imi incep saptamana prin a ma muta din vechea mea camera. De fapt, sper ca totusi sa pot dormi acolo noaptea, timp in care ziua se vor face renovarile necesare. 
Va fi haos, totul fiind ascuns prin cutii cu siguranta nu voi gasi nimic in caz de nevoie. 
Dar pana la sfarsitul saptamanii ma voi putea muta inapoi in noua mea camera!


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