Here is a little surprise that I am cooking right now. I know I have been telling you about the new collection since a long time ago, but I have delayed it because I wanted to work a bit more on the pieces and I bet you will love it!
Here is one of the necklaces with culture pearls, Swarovski crystals and spikes.
This wonderful illustration is made by Brad Iulian, and I am dying to have it on my wall. I just need to find a simple frame that is big enough for it. Check out his blog here.
Have a great day!
O mica surpriza pe care o pregatesc de cateva zile. Stiu ca va tot zic de ceva timp incoace de noua colectie,dar am tot amanat lansarea pentru ca doresc sa mai lucrez putin la ea, dar va promit ca merita!
Aici e unul din colierele noi din perle de cultura, cristale Swarovski si tepi aurii.
Ilustratia este facuta de catre un mare artist, Brad Iulian, iar eu imi doresc sa o am cat de curand pe perete, trebuie doar sa gasesc o rama destul de mare pentru ea.
Aruncati un ochii pe blogul sau, chiar merita!
O zi frumoasa!
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