It's not all about standing out, sometimes you need to blend in. And I am talking about fashion here. So for this autumn chose neutral tones, Camo prints and khakis are also in, and they are not that hard to match.
Here is my rainy weekend outfit. A comfy sweater, rubber trousers for a rainy day... kidding :P , Funky shoes and a neutral parka. What more do you need on a bad weather? Chocolate?:P
Have a great week start~!
Nu trebuie tot timpul sa iesim in evidenta, cateodata totul e sa reusim sa ne integram in multime.Si vorbesc despre moda aici. Alegeti pentru toamna tonuri neutre, khaki-uri si imprimeuri camuflaj care nu sunt deloc greu de asortat. Aceasta este tinuta mea de weekend. Un pulover calduros, O pereche de pantaloni de guma pantru ploaie, glumesc,:P Pantofi funky si o jacheta intr-o nuanta neutra. Ce trebuie mai mult pentru o zi ploioasa? Ciocolata?
O saptamana frumoasa sa aveti!
Parka: Bershka
Sweater: HM
Trousers: New Yorker
Bag: Pull and Bear
Bracelet: B.A.D. style
Watch: Calvin Klein.
Shoes: Mango
Photos by Veres Krisztian
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