The New Year's Eve party is just around the corner but some of us don't know yet what to wear. So here is a short post about what you could pick for your New Year's party and how to do your make-up.
The first rule is to keep it simple, unless you are going to masquerade party .Get a dress that you feel comfortable in and can dance all night, it's all about having fun. When talking about make-up, you can go a bit more bold than for any other party, but try not to hide your natural beauty. Here are some dress suggestions and a make-up idea by Kiaari Andreea.
All the dresses are from ROMWE
I wish you all a HAPPY New Year!
Petrecerea de Revelion e pe aproape , iar unele dintre noi inca nu stim cu ce sa ne imbracam.
Am pregatit un scurt post care poate va ajuta cu niste idei de rochii si machiaj pentru seara de Revelion.
Cea mai importanta regula e sa nu exagerati, asta daca nu mergeti la un bal mascat. Alegeti o rochie simpla in care va simtiti bine si puteti dansa toata noaptea. Cand vorbim de machiaj, putem merge putin mai departe decat in cazul altor petreceri, dar totusi sa pastram frumusetea naturala, nu sa o ascundem.
aici aveti cateva idei de rochii si un machiaj realizat de Kiaari Andreea.
Toate rochiile sunt de la Romwe.
Va doresc tuturor un An nou fericit!
The team:
Photo: Bilootza Photography
Model/Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Styling: Adriana Delia Barar
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