Winter camouflage

 This cold is killing me, and my hair too. I can't leave the house without a cap, hat or something to cover my ears.I try to pick different styles of head accessories so that I don;t get bored until spring comes.
How do you protect yourself from the cold and how does you hair feel about that? 
Getting ready for the Holidays is really keeping me away from posting on the blog, so please understand that this is a really  full period.

Frigul acesta ma omoara si nici parului meu nu ii place. Nu pot iesi din casa fara sa am ceva pe cap, o caciula, sapca palarie sau orice altceva ce ar putea sa imi acopere urechile. Incerc sa aleg diferite tipuri de accesorii de par sa nu ma plictisesc pana la primavara.
Voi cum va feriti de frig si ce parere are parul vostru despre asta?
Pregatirile de sarbatori ma impiedica sa postez pe blog destul de mult, fiind o perioada destul de aglomerata, sper sa intelegeti

 Cap: NewEra
Jumper: Misis
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: Giuseppe Zanotti
Handbag: random


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