Black shoes are eternal and you can never have enough. These are my latest buys and I think the 4 pairs could easily match tons of different style outfits.
For a casual, comfy look yet very cool, I would pick the flat boots.
Jeans, leather pants, tartan skirts, almost anything to match with.
A classy party, cocktail or fashion event could be a great event to wear the high heel stiletto shoes. A silk dress, an elegant jumpsuit or even jeans for a more casual outfit.
A night out clubbing or a fashion event imply a cool , edgy look. The harness ankle boots are perfect for these occasions because they are also very comfortable. You can easily get the harness of and have them simple for another look.
The studded boots are great for a rock inspired look when you are going to a concert, party or even a more edgy day outfit.
Plus the perfect black bag that would almost fit any outfit depicted above except the more classy ones. You can't go to a special party with such a bag. And why do I love it? It;s big enough to fit all my things that I carry with me(useless), but still it;s not huge. You will see it in a future post soon.
Pantofii negri nu se vor demoda niciodata, si te pot scapa aproape din orice situatie la fel ca si cei nude.
Nu exista sa ai prea multe perechi de pantofi negri, iar aici sunt cele mai noi achizitii ale mele. Cred ca aceste 4 perechi -ar putea asorta la zeci de tinute in stiluri diferite.
Pentru o tinuta de zi, comfortabila si cool , as alege botinele fara toc. Merg cu blugi, o fusta in carouri, pantaloni de piele, cam aproape orice.
Un cocktail, o petrecere mai eleganta implica o tinuta pe masura, iar pantofii cu toc inalt sunt o optiune de luat in seama. Cu o rochie de matase, o salopeta eleganta sau blugi pentru o tinuta casual.
O noapte lunga in club sau un eveniment de moda cere niste incaltari comode, iar pentru ca nu sunt foarte inalta, niste botine cu toc inalt ar fi ideale. Eu botinele pana la glezna cu ham decorativ care poate fi dat jos usor ,pentru mai multa varietate.
Ghete cu siret si tinte sunt perfect pentru o tinuta de inspiratie rock, un concert sau o petrecere fiind evenimentele potrivite pentru ele.
Iar geanta neagra perfecta, care se poate asorta aproape la fiecare dintre tinutele descrise mai sus. La o petrecere eleganta nu se poate merge cu asa o geanta , ci cu un clutch mai interesant, ales in functie si de restul tinutei.Mai nou o port zilnic, pentru ca e destul de mare sa imi incapa toate prostiile pe care le car dupa mine, dar si destul de mica cat sa nu par caraghioasa cu ea, fiind mica de inaltime. O sa o vedeti intr-o postare in curand.
Burgundy bag and cardigan: Here
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