These photos are kind of old if I can say it that way. Right the second day after I had the photoshooting for the new secret project. I also posted a teaser of what the pictures will look like. I am really happy about how they turned out and I am excited to see more.
About the outfit, I got these pants from my mom, they are from River Island and I thnik this is the best leather look fabric I have ever seen. Really comfortable and the matte finish is what I was looking for. this would be a great outfit for a club or a fashion event.
P.S. these are the most comfortable boots I ever had . Thee heel is very high but still, they are easy to walk in.
Fotografiile sunt destul de vechi, daca pot zice asta. Facute fix a doua zi dupa sedinta foto pentru noul proiect secret(deocamdata), si dupa cum se vede, coafura realizata de Ionut a rezistat eroic(si nu am dormit in fund sau in picioare). Am postat si o fotografie de teaser, abia astept sa vad si restul:D Deci Oscar, la treaba:))
Referitor la tinuta, tin sa precizez ca acesti pantaloni sunt facuti din cea mai misto imitatie de piele, arata foarte bine, si faptul ca are un finisaj mat ii face perfecti. Mama mea i-a luat de la River Island si m-am bucurat maxim cand i-am vazut. Tinuta ar fi ideala de club as zice eu, sau un eveniment monden, o prezentare de moda.
P.S. botinele acestea sunt cele mai comfortabile din cate am avut, mai ales avand in vedere tocul foarte inalt.
Top: Here
Trousers: River Island
Rings: H&M, Here
Watch: Calvin Klein
Photos: Veres Krisztian
Photo: Oscar Iustin
Make-up: Alice Black
Hair: Ionut Bodici
Dress: Dany Ignat
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