New Project on the way-PART I-Making of...

 And here is a new behind the scenes post, you probably missed this because it's been a while since we did  a shooting. This time it's about a blogger project with Living in a shoe, Qwearty and our first "victim" 
The Skinny Buddha. the story: I designed a dress for each of them by using 5 clues that they gave me(like, color, texture, lenght, pattern etc) 
Kiaari did the make-up, Anto the hair and you will soon see what the result is. 
Until then, here are the making of pictures and a new Giveaway form Romwe that will last 5 days.
 Hurry up!

Am revenit cu niste fotografii din culise; probabil ca deja va era dor de astfel de cadre ca nu am mai facut de mult. De data asta e vorba de un  proiect impreuna cu 3 dintre bloggeritele de moda din Timisoara. Prima "victima"a fost The Skinny Buddha, si urmeaza Qwearty si Living in a shoe, Pe scurt: Le-am creat cate o rochie plecand e la 5 indicii date de fiecare(culoare, lungime, textura etc).
Kiaari a facut machiajul, iar Anto s-a ocupat de coafura.
Rezultatul final in curand. 
Pana atunci, Romwe v-a pregatit un nou concurs care dureaza doar 5 zile, as ca grabiti-va!



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