The Last Snow

These photos were taken a couple of weeks ago and I hope that it was the last snow until December.

 I want to see sunshine and trees blooming. Today we had 17C degrees, a super day, so I took my dog for a walk, then went to dinner and an icecream . This weekend was more about relaxing! Perfect way to get started for a new busy week.

Fotografiile au fost facut acum cateva saptamani si sper ca acela a fost ultimul strop de zapada pana in Decembrie. Vreau soare si copaci infloriti. Azi am avut parte de o zi superba, 17C, asa ca am iesit cu catelul la plimbare, apoi la cina si o inghetat. Weekendul a fost unul relaxant, la fix, pentru ca ma asteapta o saptamana plina !

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Jumper: Here
Shorts: Here
Boots: Here
Necklace: rosewholesale

Photos by Veres Krisztian


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