This weekend was all about FUN and fashion of course.
Colors, textures, flowers, drinks, super good coffee and food from Zai Apres Cafe, great music in the background and many beautiful people. Iulian had some awesome illustrations posted at the fair, I love the "eyes" series, I find it very original.
We had a photoshooting on Saturday with some models from Arad and on Sunday my favorite bloggers came, Miha and Laura and we had a shooting with them as well.
Interviews, press and many visitors! I can't wait for the next one!
See you soon!
Multa distractie in weekendul ce a trecut , si moda bineinteles. culori, texturi, multe flori, cafea si mancare delicioasa de la Zai Apres Cafe, muzica buna pe fundal si multi oameni frumosi. Iulian a avut si el cateva ilustratii geniale expuse la targ , iar mie in mod special mi-a placut serie cu Ochii, foarte originala ideea.
Sambata am facut un shooting cu cateva modele superbe din Arad, iar duminica cu bloggeritele mele preferate , Miha si Laura .
Interviuri, presa si multi vizitatori! Abia astept urmatoarea editie!
Ne vedem curand!
Fashion Fridays -Spring fair
And the Giveaway winner is : Imponderabilia
And the Giveaway winner is : Imponderabilia
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