Zebra crossing down the street

 I didn't have time to post so much on the blog because of my hectic schedule, and I didn't even have time for my family or friends lately, sorry for that, but we will finish soon!

 To keep up with my daily work, you can follow my instagram where I post more. Now, it;s time to prepare the looks for this weekend''s shootings.
Have a great Friday!

 And don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

Nu am apucat sa postez mare lucru pe blog pentru ca am un  program foarte aiurea si nu am avut timp nici de familie sau prieteni, dar in curand terminam cu nebunia asta. Pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile, urmariti contul meu de instagram, acolo reusesc sa postez mai des. Acum ma intorc la treaba, pregatesc tinutele pentru sedintele foto din acest weekend.
O zi faina!
Nu uitati nici de Giveaway!

Top:B.A.D. style
Bag: Newt.ro
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photos by Veres Krisztian


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