This project is all about dressing up according to age and occasion. We had Ligia in 3 outfits: for a teenager (16-17 years old), young lady( 26-29 years old) and for a special event, a glamour look.
All are very basic ideas that you can play with according to your style and personality.
The make-up is also important. Get a natural look with just some foundation, blush and mascara when you are a teenager. An elegant make-up with red lipstick for a smart casual look, perfect for a young lady. And a more glamourous, smokey eye make-up for a special event.
In acest proiect am incercat sa punem accentul despre cum trebuie sa ne imbracam in functie de varsta si ocazie. Am ales pentru Ligia 3 tinute: Pentru o adolescenta( 16-17 ani), o tanara domnisoara( 26-29 ani) si pentru un eveniment special, o tinuta sofisticata.
Toate sunt doar idei de baza, am schitat o idee generala care poate fi interpretata si reinventata in functie de personalitatea fiecaruia.
Machiajul este foarte important. Un fond de ten, fard de obraz si rimel pentru o adolescenta este tot ce are nevoie. Pentru o tanara domnisoara se poate accentua putin machiajul, iar rujul , un rosu elegant pentru o tinuta smart casual.
Un eveniment special necesita un machiaj mai intens, mai spectaculos, smokey eyes.
The Team:
Photo: Sorin Popa
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Model: Ligia Popescu
Styling: Adriana Delia Barar
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