Follow your heart

Sometimes I realise I think too much before I act.Don't you? We should really follow our heart and instict and try to live life to the fullest . Make the best of any situation and smile as much as we can because that would bring good karma around. 
Surround yourself wiith positive people that can bring you joy and happiness.
Help a person in need and don't be so selfish.
What goes around comes around.
This could sound like a great 2013 resolution, but actually it should be a rule not a plan.
Do you agree?

Cateodata imi dau seama ca gandesc prea mult inainte sa actionez. Voi nu? De fapt ar trebui sa ne urmam inima si instinctul, sa ne traim viata la maxim. Sa incercam sa  profitam de toate ocaziile bune sau rele si sa zambim cat de des avem ocazia pentru ca gandurile bune aduc energie pozitiva .
Sa ne inconjuram de oameni cu gandire pozitiva, veseli; oameni care ne pot aduce fericire si bucurie in viata.
Sa ajutam o persoana care are nevoie si sa nu fim egoisti, pentru ca ni se va intoarce fapta.
Ar suna ca o lista de lucruri pe care ar trebuii sa le urmam in 2013, dar de fapt sunt niste reguli mai degraba decat un plan de viitor.
Sunteti de acord?


 Fur vest: Vintage
Top: Random angora top
Skirt: B.A.D. style
Stockings: Marilyn
Boots: Topshop
Bracelets: Romwe, B.A.D. style
Clutch: Romwe
Necklace: Inaccessory

Photos by Veres Krisztian


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