I got some new things a while ago but couldn't find the time to post them. So here they are.
Quilted red shorts , fire leggings and some golden accessories, most of them from Romwe.I really love the golden cross bracelet because it is very simple and elegant and it can also be stacked with other bracelets. The gold plated horse necklace I got from Inaccessory is really cute and can actually be a statement piece of jewelry for a simple outfit. A playfull detaiil just to get the outfit some sparkle.
I will be back with more surprises because this amazing year just started!
Inainte de sfarsitul anului primisem cateva lucrusoare dragute , dar nu am apucat sa le postez .
Pantaloni scurti rosii matlasati, colanti imprimati si catvea accesorii aurii , majoritatea de la Romwe. Imi place foarte mult bratara in forma de cruce deoarece este finuta si eleganta, dar poate fi combinata si cu multe alte bratari pentru ca e simpla. Colierul placata cu aur in forma de calut l-am primit de la Inaccessory si mi se pare o piesa foarte draguta care poate da un plus de stralucire unei tinute foarte simple.
Voi reveni cu surprize noi pentru acest an minunat abia a inceput!
Shorts, leggings, cross bracelet from Romwe
Horse pendant from Inaccessory
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