Giraffe legs

 I designed these leggings last year for Romwe and had this crazy idea thinking of all the girls that want to be extra skinny, long legged and tall. Yes it is nice but not everybody could be like that, we are different and we should accept this. This doesn;t mean that going on a diet if you are overweight  is a bad thing, just be realistic, you can't change your body shape that easily.
So for all of you that want longer, skinnier legs, you can get them just by wearing these leggings(this sounds like a bag slimming pill commercial)
Fashion is all about having fun!
Don't forget about Romwe;s super Valentine;'s day promo and the GIVEAWAY!

Am creat aceasta pereche de colanti anul trecut pentru Romwe gandindu-ma la toate fetele obsedate sa slabeasca cat mai mult, sa aiba picioare mai lungi, sa fie mai inalte. Da, e frumos, un vis, dar nu putem toate sa fim la fel, suntem facute sa fim diferite, asta e si farmecul de fapt, asa ca trebuie sa ne obisnuim cu ideea. Faptul ca ai kg in plus si vrei sa slabesti nu e un lucru rau, nu de asta ziceam, dar sa ne pastram ideile undeva la un nivel realistic, structura corpului nu poate fi schimbata.
Asa ca pentru toate fetele care vor sa ajunga "gazele"peste noapte, o pot face acum purtand acesti colanti( si suna a reclama proasta pentru pastile de slabit))) 
Moda trebuie sa fie distractiva!
Sa nu uitati de promotia celor de la Romwe si GIVEAWAY-ul inceput ieri

 Sweater: Here
Leggings: Here
Sneakers: Zara
Bag: old
Sunnies: Ray-Ban
 Photos by Veres Krisztian

What is your special look on Valentine’s Day in mind?
The amazing dress is edgy and elegant, really a smart choice!
$16.99 will start on 1am 23rdJan!
Put it in shopping bag in advance, as so many girls want it, but the supply is limited! 


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