Living in a tartan dress

 Hey there, you probably remember our little project with three bloggers from Timisoara, (one got away to Bucharest in the meanwhile). In this post we have Laura from Living in a Shoe. She is wearing a tartan dress custom made  according to the 5 words she gave me. This dress also comes with a leather  belt with embellished with beads, so she can wear it in multiple ways. 
I really love what Kiaari and Anto did for the hair and make-up, she looks really awesome!

Hello dragilor, probabil va amintiti de micul nostru proiect facut impreuna cu 3 bloggerite din Timisoara(intre timp una din ele a fugit la Bucuresti). In postul acesta o avem pe Laura si blogul ei Living in a shoe. Ea poarta o rochie facuta dupa cele 5 indicii pe care mi le-a dat. Rochia are si o curea din piele neagra cu margele aplicate, putand fi purtata astfel in mai multe feluri.
Kiaari si Anto s-au ocupat de machiajul respectiv coafura ei si mie personal imi place maxim ce a iesit, arata fabulos.

 Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Hair: Anto


Photos B.A.D. style


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