Lucky charm

 Today is a very special day, my super daddy turns 54 and we are celebrating the event with a family, close friends party. You probably saw the cake I made on instagram a few hours before. Now I still have to finish the apertizers and then change because I am a messy cook.
This outfit is probably an inventory of my favorite items. My new colorful necklace that I love, the most comfortable knee high  boots, leather shorts , my favorite bag and this green sweater that I think goes well with my complexion.
Have a great night, we sure will!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Azi e o zi speciala, tatal meu face 54 de ani si vom sarbatorii evenimentul printr-o petrecere restransa in familie.  Probabil ati vazut deja tortul pe care l-am pregatit acum cateva pe instagram. Acum mai am de terminat aperitivele si apoi sa ma schimb ca de fiecare data cand gatesc ma murdaresc din cap pana in picioare...trebuie sa imi iau un sort dragut...
Tinuta asta este probabil un mic rezumat a pieselor mele preferate(unele dintre ele) . Noul meu colier colorat, cele mai comfortabile cizme peste genunchi, pantaloni scurti de piele, geanta favorita si puloverul verde care cred ca se potriveste bine cu tenul meu.
Va doresc o seara placuta!

La multi ani tati!

Jumper: Here
Shorts: Here
Boots: Here
 Bag: Here
Necklace: Here

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Birthday boy and his birthday cake:D


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