Break the Ice and Melt the Snow

 If I would have taken these pictures today, you couldn't have seen me because of the snow. Yes it is still snowing and this is killing me! I went out to get some groceries today... instead of a 5 minute ride to the shop , it took me 20 min to get the snow of my car, then another 25 to get there, 15 min to find a parking space inside so that the snow that was still on the car would melt until I finished. 
And then another 25-30 min to get home. This weather really sucks! Now back to work inside the house where its is warm and cozy!
Have a great evening!
P.S. The pond was totally frozen, one wrong move and I would have ended up in the hospital! 
Fashionably Dangerous !

Daca faceam azi fotografiile acestea cu siguranta nu m-ati fi putut vedea de stratul de zapada depus intre timp. Da, inca ninge , parca imi face in ciuda! Am iesit azi putin, trebuia sa fac ceva loc de 5 min cat imi lua inainte sa ajung la magazin, acum a durat 20 min sa imi dezapezesc masina, inca 25 sa ajung la magazin, 15 min sa gasesc un loc de parcare in subteran  sa se poata topii zapada ramasa pana termin cumparaturile. Si apoi inca 25-30 min sa ajung acasa. Vremea asta strica tot! Acum inapoi la munca in casa unde e cald si bine!
P.S. Iazul este inghetat total, o miscare gresita si cred ca ajungeam direct la urgente!
Moda e periculoasa!


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