UV Manicure-The Test

 As I told you, I went to test the UV nailpolish today with my friend Andreea, at Salon Estetique.
The whole proces was really fast , about 30 min.
First , the manicurist cleaned the nail from any leftover polish, then gently pushed the cuticule with a wooden stick. 
Filed the nails into a natural shape and the put on a UV base coat so that  the colored  UV polish would last more. 
The nails were put to dry into the UV lamp for a couple of minutes. 
After that 2  layers of  colored UV nailpolish  were spread over the transparent base, letting each layer to dry in the lamp.
Now that the color was set, the manicurist put on a sealing UV  polish so that the color would last longer. 
The final step was an ordinary transparent nailpolish for more shine and a cuticule oil to nourish the skin.
I have to say the nails looked really great  and the color was intense.
It is said that it lasts for about 30 days, if protected form really hot water .
The real test will be in a couple of days to see how long it lasts on the nails taking into account the fact that we both work with our hands daily.
Keep you posted with this experiment.
Have you tried UV nailpolish?

Cum am spus azi am si fost sa testez manichiura cu lac UV impreuna cu prietena mea Andreea la Salonul Estetique.
Toata procedura a durat putin, in jur de 30 min.
Primul pas pe care l-a facut manichiurista a fost chiar curatarea unghiei cu dizolvant pentru a  indeparta lacul ce il aveam pe unghii, dupa care a impins usor cuticulele cu un betisor  de lemn. A pilit unghiile dupa forma lor naturala si a dat un strat de baza UV pentru ca lacul colorat ce urma sa fie aplicat sa reziste mai mult.
Si aceasta baza a trebuit pusa la lumina UV pentru uscare timp de cateva minute.
Dupa aceea s-au aplicat 2 straturi de lac colorat UV peste baza transparenta, care au fost pe rand uscate sub lampa.
Culoarea fiind pusa, manichiurista a dat cu un lac de sigilare pentru a pastra culoarea mai mult timp.
Ultima etapa a fost lacul transparent pentru un plus de stralucire si un ulei de cuticule pentru hidratare.
Trebuie sa recunosc ca unghiile aratau foarte bine dupa acest intreg proces, culoare fiind mai intensa decat ma asteptam.
Se zice ca s-ar mentine 30 de zile pe unghii in conditiile in care le ferim de apa foarte fierbinte.
Adevaratul test incepe abia peste cateva zile  cand vom vedea daca rezista deoarece si eu si Andreea lucram zilnic cu mainile in conditii nu tocmai benefice pentru sanatatea unghiilor.
Va voi tine la curent cu acest mic experiment.
Voi ati incercat lacul UV?


 Her nails

Unghiile ei

 My nails

Unghiile mele

Yes, we picked the same color, it was irresistible!

Da, am ales aceeasi culoare, era irezistibila!


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