Eskimo Look

There is nothing more apropriate for this weather, then an eskimo look.Well ok, I know that you are probably wondering if I lost my mind or not, getting out of the house wearing this. 
So the answer is yes, I am losing my mind thinking about all the snow outside and the fact that it doesn't melt.
I think even the Easter Bunny will come with a sledge this year.
The stupid weather slows me down and it annoys me because I can't finish my work on time!
Anyone got an idea on how to get rid of all this snow?
Ce e mai potrivit pe vremea aceasta decat  o tinuta inspirata din costumul eschimosilor. Bine, stiu ca va intrebati daca chiar am innebunit iesind asa din casa pe frigul acesta. Raspunsul este DA, am innebunit gandindu-ma la tona de zapada de afara care nu se mai topeste. 
Cred ca si Iepurasul ca venii anul acesta cu sania.
Cel mai tare ma enerveaza ca vremea asta ma incetineste si nu reusesc sa termin nimic la timp!
Aveti vreo idee cum sa scapam de toata zapada?


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