Making of...CRAZY

 It was a horrible day actualy, so much snow, we got stuck on the way, we were so late at the studio but we were carrying food so Sorin still accepted us being late. 
We all decided Monday is not a great day for shooting! 
Despite the fact that we were all so tired that we barely moved around, the result is fantastic! You will see in a few days. 
This was Alexandra's first studio shooting and she did more than great! 
She is so natural in front of the camera!

All in all we had fun and haven't actualy worked in vain.
 Working with friends is always relaxing, even if we put a lot of work into it.
Hope you enjoy our making of.. pictures!

A fost o zi groaznica, ne-am inzapezit pe drum si am ajuns foarte tarziu la studio, dar aveam mancare la noi, asa ca Sorin totusi ne-a lasat sa intram.
La finalul zilei am decis cu totii ca ziua de luni nu este buna pentru sedinte foto!
In ciuda faptului ca am fost toti foarte obositi si abia ne miscam de colo colo, rezultatul muncii este fantastic! O sa vedeti in cateva zile.
Aceasta a fost prima sedinta foto de studio a Alexandrei si s-a descurcat foarte bine!
Se simte comfortabil in fata camerei ceea ce ajuta foarte mult.
Una peste alta ne-am distrat si stim ca nu am lucrat degeaba.
Sa lucrezi cu prieteni este intotdeauna relaxant, chiar daca muncim mult.
Sper sa va placa fotografiile noastre din culise!


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